The real thing
The point of doing anything is not just so you can take a selfie and say you’ve done it.
The imitation is cheaper, quicker, very convenient. And that’s why the real thing is infinitely more satisfying.
An experience that demands nothing from you cannot convey anything worthwhile to you. Satisfaction does not reside in what you get unless it is rooted in what you give.
You might feel clever when you can check off the box without going to any trouble. The thing is, all you end up with is a checked-off box.
The point of doing anything is not just so you can take a selfie and say you’ve done it. What enriches your life is the commitment of your thoughts, your focus, your time, energy, and effort.
Respect yourself, your heritage, your possibilities and capabilities by insisting on the real thing. Anything less is nothing much.
You are a miraculous instantiation of the real thing. Refuse to settle for anything else.