Go with a good option, but don’t waste a lot of time holding out for the perfect option. Make the best choice available to you, and make it work.
Yes, you might realize later that an alternative direction would have made things easier, more profitable, more effective. That’s good to know, but don’t let that realization prevent you from moving forward again.
Perfection is a great ideal but a lousy tactic. Go with what you have when you have it, even if it’s not quite perfect.
If conditions or options or priorities change, adjust to the best of your ability. Then keep going, with the time, resources, and knowledge you have available.
Work yourself in the direction of perfection without making yourself dependent on it. Know with confidence that you can continue to make improvements.
Zero in on a good option, putting your time, your skill, and your effort into it. Even if you never achieve perfection, there’s plenty of good you can do.