Minor inconvenience
Provide yourself with some reasonable perspective. And in place of feeling overwhelmed you suddenly feel empowered.
Your troubles seem big and ugly whenever they arrive. But nearly every one ends up being a minor inconvenience in the context of your whole life.
Storms will rage around you and can sometimes destroy much of what you’ve built. Yet nothing outside you can take away the truth, goodness and integrity with which you live.
Consider what would happen if you declared your biggest problem today to be a minor inconvenience. Though you would not be trivializing it, you would gain great power over it, and over your own attitude.
Provide yourself with some reasonable perspective. And in place of feeling overwhelmed you suddenly feel empowered.
Life is often arbitrary and not particularly fair. Yet you can respond to its ups and downs with creativity, innovation, purpose and determination.
By so doing you regularly transform what would otherwise be major disruptions into minor inconveniences. Right now you likely have the opportunity to do that once again.