Formula for improvement
Working to solve the problem is what solves the problem.
You only need to notice once that something is wrong. After that, invest all your thoughts and actions in doing what’s necessary to correct it or render it irrelevant.
Complaining over and over about the same problem, doesn’t solve the problem. Working to solve the problem is what solves the problem.
Yes, it’s much easier to complain, and also necessary to complain. But after complaining once, the second complaint, and third, fourth, fifth, add no value.
A productive, focused effort does add value. Then the second effort adds more value, as does the third and fourth and so on.
Based on that reality, the formula for improvement is quite simple. Complain once, then act as many times as necessary.
You’re skilled at repeating yourself. Apply that skill to taking action rather than to complaining, and great improvement comes forth.