Discretionary time
Deepen your fulfillment by expanding the territory in which you experience it.
After fulfilling the necessary tasks and obligations, consider how you’re making use of your discretionary time. Look for activities and priorities that enhance and affirm your life, and all of life.
It’s simple to know whether you’re being productive or not based on the results you obtain. It’s a good bit more subjective to determine whether you’re creating genuine fulfillment in your life.
Nonetheless, years of experience have shown you what adds meaningful substance to your existence and what doesn’t. Pay attention, and with your discretionary time do more of whatever injects real richness into your world.
What was enjoyable before is usually enjoyable again. But be careful not to get into such a pleasant, comfortable rut that the joy loses all its essence.
Deepen your fulfillment by expanding the territory in which you experience it. Make life’s goodness even more valuable by using it to bring new goodness into being.
With the time that’s yours to schedule and utilize, enrich your life and the lives around you. Live life at its best by continuing to make it even better.